Coaching Update

October 6, 2016

Hi all.

Over the next few weeks the coaching structure will change slightly. In order to take full advantage of the expertise and experience that we have and keep things fresh with a mix of voices but all joined up by one strategy, I have created the following structure:

Tuesday Training (7.00 – 8.30pm) will be led by Rob Nock – this will be a predominantly skills based session developing particular areas of our play or responding to issues that have arisen from he game on Saturday. When available, Rob will be assisted by Yann Thomas, Gloucester prop, who will focus in particular on specific components, mainly to do with the forwards.

Thursday Training (8.00 – 9.30pm) will be led by Chris Long – this will focus on conditioning (dynamic power based training, fast twitch, speed, etc.), unit skills and overall team play.

I will lead on a match day and also step in to coach mid week when other coaches are not available or there is a need for further assistance.

Please be reminded that quality coaching is provided to only facilitate your development. Ultimate ownership comes down to you and your attitude. It has been great so far – training numbers have been good, we are the talk of the town (only unbeaten Cheltenham team), committee meetings are productive and building for the future, communication on the pitch is increasing as players feel more and more comfortable with the strategy we are adopting…… oh and we are top of the league!!

Let’s keep it going.

Chris Raymond – Head Coach